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Managing Intolerant Behaviour

Intolerance of others is not acceptable in any form - verbal, written or physical - on the grounds of any of the 9 protected characteristic, sex; race - including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin; religion or belief; disability; sexual orientation; gender reassignment; marital status; maternity needs or age. 

We aim to teach our pupils that intolerance is unacceptable by discussing and challenging prejudice through various aspects of our curriculum, including PSHE. 

When specific examples of prejudiced behaviour are identified, we will seek to further re-educate those responsible through bespoke interventions - often using outside agencies such as the Police - as well as reinforcing the seriousness of this with a sanction, usually a suspension. 

All instances of intolerance will be regarded as a safeguarding issue to be recorded in CPOMs. Suspected perpetrators may be isolated whilst the issues reported are investigated by SLT as soon as is practicable. 

Where it is deemed appropriate, further sanctions will be applied to reinforce the seriousness of the offence. 

For clarity, the following words are not tolerated at Nottingham Girls’ Academy:  

  • The N word. 

  • The P word. 

  • Describing something as ‘gay’ 

  • Describing something or someone as ‘retarded’ or a ‘mongol’. 

CPOMs will be used to collate reports of intolerance on the part of an individual or group of pupils and the identification of persistence and entrenchment will ultimately put the offending pupil's school place at risk. 

Termly analysis of intolerant behaviour incidents will be conducted so that issues that seem more widespread can be dealt with through the curriculum. 

How we communicate with each other

Pupils should only use kind, helpful words that build each other up. Banter or bullying is something that needs explaining and confirming to pupils.  

Bullying: Is repeated behaviour which is intended to hurt someone either emotionally or physically. 

Banter: Playful and friendly teasing. 

‘Banter’ is not an acceptable excuse for treating another pupil unkindly.   

Pupils must not make comments about other people’s physical appearance, embarrassing events that have happened in the past, family members etc.  

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