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Nottingham Girls' Academy

Attendance Letters

At Nottingham Girls’ Academy we believe it is vitally important for students to attend school regularly and punctually. This will give them the best opportunity to progress and achieve their full potential. Good attendance and punctuality will also encourage students to become responsible and resilient individuals, which will serve them well in their future working lives.

The impact that having time out of school can have on your child’s attainment.

  • Pupils that have severe absence (below 50% attendance) only have a 5% chance of achieving 5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English and maths. 
  • Pupils that are persistently absent (below 90% attendance) still only have a 36% chance of getting 5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English and maths. 
  • Whereas pupils who are rarely absent (above 95%) have a 78% chance of 5 GCSEs at grade 4 or above including English and maths. 

Maintaining good attendance is a team effort and will be made possible through effective home-school partnership. We know that the vast majority of our parents understand the importance of their children being in school, and we are grateful for your ongoing support.  

Punctuality is essential and goes hand in hand with attendance and attainment.

Please ensure that your child is in school every day next year as excellent attendance leads to excellent results.

We review student attendance and punctuality on a regular basis, whether it be authorised or unauthorised absence. If a student’s attendance falls below 95%, we will put interventions into place to support parents/carers and students so that school attendance improves. Our intention will always be to work in partnership with parents in the interests of their child. The interventions that we put into place may take the form of letters, phone calls and meetings, depending on the level of concern. If these interventions fail and attendance continues to fall, we will refer the case to the Local Authority Education Department for them to consider legal action.

The pathway of support and intervention is below, we will endeavor to support every child’s attendance, that support will only work if it is triangulated by school, parent/carer, and the child. At any point a parent/carer meeting can be requested.

Support and Intervention pathway:

97% Contact will be made from the Year Team.

95% Attendance falling to or below - Falling Attendance letter 1 sent out to parents / carers.

93% Attendance falling to or below - Falling attendance letter 2 sent to parents / carers.

90% Attendance falling to or below - Persistent absentee letter is sent to parents / carers.

87% Attendance falling to or below - Parents invited into school for attendance meeting.

Once parents have been invited in for attendance meetings their child will be monitored, and a review meeting will be held every 2-3 weeks with parents until an improvement is seen.

On this page you will find our correspondence re attendance and punctuality letters to all parents and carers.